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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:48:39
  • 双语例句

1. This reflects that consumers have become more aware of healthy diets and now have on-the-go lifestyles.

2. go on diets的翻译

2. That is almost 1 out 3 people in the U. S. Some people go on diets.


3. People who go on diets often do the same thing. Well, I

4. This explains why people on diets often go on eating binges even while they are on their diet.
这解释了为什么人们对饮食往往对饮食 binges ,甚至虽然他们对他们的饮食习惯。

5. And when they go on diets and weight loss programs, they tend to consume even less.

6. This explains why people on diets often go on eat ing binges even while they are on their diet.
这解释了为什么人们对饮食往往对饮食 binges ,甚至虽然他们对他们的饮食习惯。

7. go on diets的翻译

7. Some people may go on diets but others go the ultimate extreme.

8. We plan meal times instead of eating when we are hungry. We go on diets instead of living healthy.

In one part, children starve and in the other, a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to go on diets, or do special exercises in order to lose weight.(在一部分地区孩子们在挨饿,而在另外地区,很多人越来越胖,不得不吃特殊饮食,或是进行特别锻炼来减肥。)
The same process, known as ketosis, occurs when people go on extremely low-carb, high-fat diets. Dr.(当人长期采用极低碳水化合物、高脂肪饮食的时候,也会发生同样的过程,称为酮症。)
Health experts believe the narrowing obesity gap shows how schemes to tackle the countrys weight problem are having less effect on men, with women more likely to go on diets or join a gym.(健康专家认为,男女肥胖率差距的缩小表明,英国解决肥胖问题的措施对于男性没起到太大作用,而女性则更经常地通过节食或加入健身俱乐部的方法来减肥。)
Most people who go on "low" carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can't work, but because they consume insufficient calories.(大多数采用这种“低”碳水化合物疗法的人们通常会抱怨说体能不足而放弃,不能说这个疗法没有用,而是因为他们消耗不足的卡路里。)
An alarming amount of young people think they're too fat, go on diets and skip meals.(有数目不少的年轻人认为自己太胖、于是节食、漏餐。)
If you have the mentality of "I need to go on a diet," stop it. Diets don't work, only lifestyle changes do.(如果你持有这种心态“我要节食”,停下来,节食是没有作用的,只有生活方式的改变才能起作用。)
The typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days.(典型的博客写手像大多数节食或对开支进行预算的人一样,几个月、几周或更多情况下才几天就放弃了。)
Most fat women who go on diets end up putting weight back on after a few years.(大多数节食的胖女人几年之后体重又增加了。)
We plan meal times instead of eating when we are hungry. We go on diets instead of living healthy.(我们计划着用餐时间,却不在肚子饿的时候吃饭,我们节食却没有健康的生活方式。)
It's not usually healthy for kids to go on diets - to lose or gain weight.(让小孩节食是不健康的——会失去或增加体重。)
go on diets是什么意思 go on diets在线翻译 go on diets什么意思 go on diets的意思 go on diets的翻译 go on diets的解释 go on diets的发音 go on diets的同义词